Asset Backed Podcast Launch
I wanna welcome everybody to the first episode of the asset backed podcast. My name is Andres Sundate, and I am looking forward to launching this podcast today and having future episodes, which will feature, founders, CEOs, investors, and other leaders at asset management firms that are active in this 20,000,000,000,000 dollar market. The asset backed finance market is a diverse and important part of, the credit markets and includes everything from financial assets, consumer finance, real estate mortgages, both residential and commercial, real assets, or hard assets as they may be called, including infrastructure, things like, toll roads, and other, other related physical assets. And so on this podcast, I will be interviewing, again, folks who are making investment decisions, at asset management firms, folks who are building, companies, so founders and CEOs and other key executives at, companies like, technology companies or consumer finance companies such as Fintech lenders and specialty finance companies and other other originators, and, and also professional service firm, executives. So, lawyers and bankers, folks that work in in important areas to this market, such as the rating agencies.
Andres Sandate:So I look forward to, inviting more guests on the Asset Backed podcast, in the days weeks ahead. I'm just returning from 2 days in New York where I met with, dozens of folks across this industry and, got a really great reception. So I'm looking forward to bringing those folks on the show and, most importantly, bringing you, the listener insights, that can help you to learn more about this industry, connect with other leaders in the industry, and understand how these folks make decisions, how they put transactions together, and, some of the factors that are making headlines, that you see in the news. So, again, my name is Andres Sundate. I will be the host and then the creator of the asset backed podcast.
Andres Sandate:I will be putting more details such as, the website for the podcast and show notes and other key details after each episode so that you can hopefully follow along, where you get your podcasts and content. I hope that you'll reach out to me. If you have a suggestion for a topic, for a show, you can reach me at contact at endurancestrategies.com. Again, you can reach me via email at contact at endurancestrategies.com, and, send me, ideas for future shows. Send me, the names and and contacts for folks that you think would be, great interviews, whether they're startup company founders and CEOs or folks at, big, large publicly traded asset managers who have a growing presence or an active presence as many of these firms do now in asset backed finance.
Andres Sandate:So the topics on the show will be broad, will cover everything from specialty finance, and opportunistic, areas of of this, credit, market. We'll we'll we'll dive into Fintech lending. We'll dive into a lot of these really interesting areas, such as aviation finance, and other areas. Like I said, asset backed finance is a is a really big market, and it can be defined and categorized in a a lot of different ways. I just mentioned 4 of those again earlier, consumer finance, financial assets, real estate, mortgages, and, those could be, again, residential, or they could be commercial, and then also physical assets, including infrastructure.
Andres Sandate:So within those big broad bucket categories, there are a lot of underlying, subcategories. So I, I don't think we'll run into any issue finding topics. I host another podcast, called ATL Alts, and, that show is a more broad discussion of alternative investments, whereas, Asset Backed, the podcast, will be focused very specifically, on the discussion largely around credit and, and and the and the players and the the companies and the newsmakers and the folks that are, that are active in this industry. So, again, I'm Andres Ndate. I will be your host, and I look forward to, introducing my guests in future shows, and I look forward to having, hopefully, you join me, in the chat and in, in dialogue.
Andres Sandate:And then lastly, you know, I'm experimenting with with a new, with a new subscription format for this show. So if you'd like to get details on how you could be, part of the private audience, of the show, which will feature exclusive content, for a a paid subscriber. I am going to create a a subscription for a paid subscriber base for the first 50 folks, who are interested in that. So email me again at contact at endurance strategies if you'd be interested in that. Those first 50 subscribers would have access to additional content and transcripts, and and other important elements and features, of the podcast.
Andres Sandate:Of course, you can always, listen, to the to the free version, which will be available very soon. And, many of our shows will do, will try to do live. So we'll post the details for how you can tune in to, the interviews, and, of course, some of them will be recorded. We do hope to do many of the interviews, through video chat because it's a more engaging format, that I've been experimenting with, but always open, to hearing your feedback and suggestions about how we can make the show, and the content more relevant, more meaningful, more educational, and at the end of the day, you know, entertaining, for the the 45 to 60 minute, show. And, hopefully, keep it keep it live, keep it flowing, keep it moving so that you feel like you get to know these executives and these newsmakers.
Andres Sandate:But, also, again, you're tuning in and and, and hopefully getting a chance to learn some new things, meet some new people, and and ultimately take that back to your own firm, your own practice, your own deals, and, and potentially, you know, be connecting with some of these folks. So looking forward to having, a growing audience, on this new podcast. I went live today without a guest because I wanted to introduce the show and kinda why I'm creating it. A little bit about me and my background, I've spent the better part of 15 years now in alternative asset management. And in the last, 3 years in particular, I've worked, in this area of asset backed finance for a couple of, Fintech companies on the Fintech lending side where I ran capital markets.
Andres Sandate:One was a Techstars company, 2,022, actually, and that was out of Atlanta. And then I was with a, a boutique private credit from where I ran, the Fintech origination platform, before the the the company ultimately decided to pull back out of that out of that niche. So, I now run my own, firm, Endurance Strategies, which provides, advice and consulting as well as, capital market services to, originators. These would be lenders in the asset backed finance market. And so, you can, you know, you you you can define asset backed finance, again, in a variety of different ways.
Andres Sandate:Our podcast is gonna focus on, trying to cover as much of of this market as we can, and, and we look to get, really great interviews with executives, newsmakers, and and also a healthy amount of startups and and folks around the topic of, you know, how they raise their first, debt facilities and if they're lending, into this market, how they've built their origination strategy, how they go about, transacting, at scale. If they're they're trying to deploy a lot of capital, there's a a a significant human capital aspect to this market, given the the amount of, people it requires to to make, loans and and to do so effectively and smartly, with without incurring losses. So there's a lot of different, functional aspects to to this industry that we would like to cover, But, but that's where I'm gonna leave it for today. Again, it's Andres Sundate. I I am your host and the creator of Asset Backed.
Andres Sandate:In addition, the last thing I would say is the podcast is gonna be one piece of a broader set of things that I intend to to, eventually launch. So in the works, I would say, there are a couple of other things that you may find interesting and relevant, and then I would encourage you to to go check out, and certainly to provide feedback, and would appreciate if you'd share them, you know, with with your friends, network, and colleagues that you think would benefit. So one is I published a Substack. I began publishing a Substack blog, about 3 months ago, and you can find that out at Substack. You just search for my name, Andres Sundate, and you'll be able to find that.
Andres Sandate:And it it's really focused on this area of specialty finance, of fintech lending, and and kind of a niche within this broader asset backed finance space. So, again, that's out at Substack. You can look for it by just typing in my last name, s a n d a t e. So that's one. Would definitely encourage you to follow me on LinkedIn.
Andres Sandate:Again, you can find me out there if you just type in my name, Andres, a n d r e s, last name, s a n d a t e. Please follow me. Please, reach out. I love that. And, and and generally an open networker and, and try to, you know, if nothing else, reach out, have an initial conversation, see if there's ways we can help one another, or make introductions, etcetera.
Andres Sandate:So always glad to connect with you out there on LinkedIn. Of course, this show, is, is gonna be broadcast out on major, major podcast platforms, as I mentioned. So look for it, here soon. The website, that I'm gonna be building, for this, today is one one that's called, specfintech dotcom. I had to think about that for a second.
Andres Sandate:Again, that website is specfintech.com. So, you'll be able to access content there as well. And then I would say, lastly, one of the things that I'm working on is, is actual virtual, like, webinar content, and also in person events. And so those are things that will be offered. I am based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Andres Sandate:So I'll be base basically doing virtual events for folks that are not here in Atlanta or not traveling to Atlanta. Those will be offered, here very shortly where folks will be able to participate in these, interactive, Zoom sessions with folks, in this industry, very specifically, folks that are active in in this community that I'm building. And then we'll also have a series of live events that we'll offer, and, and those will, you know, feature experts in the industry, some of whom have been on the show, some of whom will will be coming on the show at some point in the future. So much like a lot of the other creators out there of content, you know, it it's about engaging in various formats, and in various mediums. And so there will be the blog.
Andres Sandate:You can find that out of Substack. Just search for my name. Last name, s a n d a t e. You can find that there. You can find, content on the the website for the asset backed podcast.
Andres Sandate:Again, that's specfintech.com. Obviously, you you can tune in to this this, show. Sometimes it will be live. Sometimes it'll be recorded, and, and you'll be able to find that on major podcast platforms under the the title asset backed. And then, certainly, you know, as I said earlier, on my social channels, you can, engage with me on LinkedIn.
Andres Sandate:I'm I'm active on LinkedIn. I do a lot of posting there, and, and we'll go live on on LinkedIn, for for different shows, different content. And then, also, you can find me out on x, formerly known as Twitter. That's just, at aesendate. That's my handle is a e sendate.
Andres Sandate:That's aesandate. So would appreciate a follow and, and reach out in that way. And then lastly, if you wanna reach out via, just traditional email, feel free to send me an email at contact at endurance strategies dotcom, and that's strategies, plural. Again, that's contact at endurancestrategies, dotcom. So, again, thanks for tuning in.
Andres Sandate:This is the first episode of the Asset Backed podcast, which will feature interviews with leaders, from industry, from Wall Street, from, professional service firms who are very active in this $20,000,000,000,000 credit market across, the big verticals, again, consumer finance, financial assets, real estate, both residential and commercial mortgages, and then also real real assets, including infrastructure. So I appreciate you tuning in. I look forward to engaging with you, and until next time, I hope you have a great, weekend ahead. Today is Friday. The master's is on.
Andres Sandate:If you watch golf, enjoy the tournament, and, and I look forward to engaging with you in the, in the weeks ahead on the asset backed podcast. Thank you.
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Creators and Guests